Adult Lilith


Metaphorically Lilith is the Solar Wind


Lilith, Adam, Eve


The story of Lilith is that she is first.

Metaphorically speaking, Lilith is the Solar Wind. which is the earth and more specifically the earths magnetosphere is always “entering” the Sun’s Solar Wind.


That pushing into said Solar Wind is difficult to not define it as a sexual terminology.

The Earth is a Shaft thanks to the Earths Rather Sizable Magnetosphere.

That Magnetosphere pushes into the “Solar Wind” constantly.


As the Earth Rotates on its axis, that pushing in creates a Weave. A warp and weft from the things on the planets motions.

From fixed geological areas, to the creatures which live on the planet.


The Offspring of Lilith can be rather easily defined as the life’s of the things on and of the planet.

The life of oceans, continents, planets, animals, etc. when it began, how long it will last, and when it will form into a new form of matter.


Adam is the “matter”

And Eve becomes the recorder of the actions between Lilith and Solar Wind and Adam and Magnetosphere and the Planet.


The Snake are the time sequences of days, weeks, years which pass. As the Earth Rotates around the sun, it looks exactly like a Snake wrapping itself aroudn a “Central Core”. That central core is the Earths Orbit, the center point is the Sun.


Lilith at this point can best be described as the each cells magnetosphere. Everything on earth has a magnetosphere. Each magnetosphere is itself own contained thing.


Those things can be defined as the Demon Children of Lilith and Adam.









TR Welling